Meet Jorge Ramos

Associate Director for Environmental Education

Stanford, California, USA


Currently working on:  Developing a more inclusive environment (classroom, labs, and field work) for POC and LGTBQ+ in the STEM fields

Talk with me about:

  • Biology, Earth Science, Ecology, Environmental Education
  • K-12 Education, higher education (undergrad/postgrad), Public Outreach
  • How do students perceive their professors and what can they do better
  • Developing inclusive curriculum development
  • Looking for more ideas on creating multimedia activities for outreach

My STEM Story:  I was introduced to SACNAS and SEEDS in 2003 when I was a sophomore at UTEP. After attending my first SEEDS and SACNAS events, I saw for the first time all the people that looked like me and sounded like me. This made me realize that a more diverse science is a stronger science!
