Graduate Student Affairs Manager
Bay Area, California, USA
Currently working on: Supporting Plant Biology and Microbiology (PMB) graduate students and recruiting STEM undergraduate students to PMB doctoral programs.
Talk with me about (nearby connections preferred):
- General All Stem, Plant Biology, Microbiology, Biological Sciences, Engineering
- Higher education (undergrad/postgrad)
- Creating inclusive STEM spaces (i.e laboratories)
- Supporting STEM students of color in doctoral programs
- Fundraising for student support and STEM outreach efforts
My STEM Story: I love to hear students in my school eagerly discussing the science lesson they have just had in class whether it is my physics class, or another subject. The enthusiasm and eagerness in their voices gives me hope for the future.
Rocío Sanchez is Manager of Graduate Student Affairs with the Dept of Plant & Microbial Bio at UC Berkeley. In this role she advises doctoral students through academic and research milestones. As an adviser, she both creates and connects students to services and resources that support personal, academic, and professional development. She is active in efforts to diversify STEM fields through outreach, recruitment, and retention programs for undergraduate and graduate students at CAL. These include SACNAS (Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) and ABRCMS (Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students), and Amgen Scholars programs. She serves on graduate admission committees and promotes diversity through evidence-based approaches and meaningful conversations with faculty, students, and administrators.